Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This one's for you, McCall

Apparently, Noah has been getting complaints. For months now it has been very, very easy to "keep up with the kents" because it appears that nothing new or exciting has happened to dislodge the brilliant post that chronicled our pre-Christmas trip to Florida. For those of you who have held out hope that I am indeed not still stuck on some kiddie-ride in the Happiest Place on Earth your patience will be rewarded. Tonight I emptied the contents of my digital camera, just filled with precious moments screaming to be blogged about. So without further adieu (or respect for chronology) I begin the first in a series of retroactive posts. Here are some fun pictures from our family getaway weekend to Massanutten resort and their "largest indoor water park on the east coast."

Just today, almost two full weeks since we took this trip Kaisa, out of the blue, told me how much she loved the waterslides.  

Sad to say that this is the most flattering picture I could find of your's truly from our surfing "lesson" with the cool wave simulator to ourselves for an hour and a half before the park opened to the public.
Roland proving that he can always be happy standing sideways on a board.

Emma not quite sure whether she is ready to let go of the instructor's hand (she decided she prefers to tackle the wave via boogie-board, where she can ride contentedly until someone has to physically remove her from the wave)
Noah was a natural.  I guess all of the recent "rip-sticking" has been paying off.

We even drug Grandma Sylvia along with us on our little trip where she patiently watched hours of indoor-waterpark fun.  What a trooper!


Elizabeth said...

Sooo sorry Marci! Callie & T think that EVERYBODY blogs everyday. Sooo, there must be something wrong with you...Don't tell them that I only blog about once every 2 weeks. I just set it to post everyday. They really get mad at me if I forget a Sentimental Sunday! I just set the bar too high. ;)

I loved talking to mom about your trip, she had a FANTASTIC time. (And insisted that I add that park to OUR list of future destination points! - Done!)

I see your accident prone tendencies are still in full force...or is it that YOU'RE the only one that can take a good picture? A little passive-aggressive photography going on?

Love you guys!

Pattijean said...

That was a good re-cap and your wry, slightly-acerbic wit stayed in tandem with the passive-aggressive photography.(Ahh, Betsy...)The bar is quite high...I got a roommate and am typing on the floor in what will be her room when she actually decides to put her things in it!